Project Banaba

Project Banaba is a multimedia museum exhibit created by our Vice President Katerina Teaiwa. Katerina Teaiwa is Professor of Pacific Studies in the School of Culture, History and Language at the Australian National University, Canberra. Project Banaba sheds light on the forgotten history of the island of Banaba (also known as Ocean Island) in the Pacific. It follows the story of a thriving phosphate rich island decimated by mining and forcible relocation of the Banaban population to Rabi island in Fiji in 1945. This exhibit admires the resilience of the Banaban community in the face of such adversity and has been traveling to different museums around the world. Project Banaba recently came to the Bishop Museum in Honolulu and will be there until February, so please check it out if you are in the area during this time!
For those who won’t be able to see the exhibition “Project Banaba” at Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum till Feb 18, here is a walkthrough by Gui Taccetti and Yuki Kihara.
The FCF helped produce the catalog and sponsored the wrap up party for the launch of Project Banaba.